Anthony Phillips, FCCA
Anthony Phillips became an integral part of Buckingham & Co, almost as soon as he joined the firm in 1985, initially as a trainee and then as a fully qualified Chartered Certified Accountant.
Clients and colleagues alike are swift to acknowledge Anthony's impressive technical abilities which, combined with a wealth of practical experience make him exactly the sort of secure financial back stop needed. His passion is business nurturing, his pleasure is watching it grow and flourish. This may involve business Start-Up’s to a well-established company reaching their ‘next big step’. His, enthusiasm, involvement and instinct for business growth direction, has proved an invaluable component in many a success story.
Anthony’s expertise covers all aspects of tax planning, general accounting and auditing. He also maintains a particular interest in succession planning, believing that every client should have a coherent plan for passing down a business or personal wealth to the next generation in a way best suited to the individuals involved.

Deborah O'Neill, ACMA
Deborah started her Accountancy career in 1985, training and qualifying with BT in London. The following ten years saw her take a variety of key roles within the organisation, including the setting up of BT Cable Television Services.
She moved on to take leading roles at the BBC both in Radio and Television and prior to a career break to be at home with her two children, she was Head of Finance for Children's Television. The responsibilities and challenges of such a role were, she says, more than equalled by the successes. On returning to full-time work, she felt she wanted to utilise her strong and varied commercial background and an instinctive understanding of entrepreneurial thinking, to work with, nurture and provide an integral financial element to individual businesses. She made the move from corporate life and plunged into practice, joining Buckingham & Co in 2003.
Deborah's combination of commercial expertise allied with her technical abilities, has given her a unique insight into the multi-layered issues faced by established businesses, large and small as well as start-ups. It is, she says, the close involvement with these businesses and the role she establishes for herself within them, that is the most enjoyable part of what she does.

Charm M. Aye, FCCA
Charm started her Accountancy career in 2005 as Company Accountant in a Manufacturing Company. Seven years with the same company, gave her an excellent insight into the specific logistics and financial challenges faced by the sector, as well as how best to plan ahead to forestall issues arising. She then moved to the Costa Franchise Company, taking key responsibilities for the accounting function of the whole group.
Having made the decision to take her solid commercial experience and expertise with her into Practice, Charm joined Buckingham & Company in 2015. She’s found it extremely satisfying to work with clients in such a wide range of businesses at different stages from launching to many years established. She comments that providing accounting, tax and audit services to the companies she works with, has proved to be the most enjoyable part of her career to date.

Jill Partridge
Jill started her career a little while back - in 1986. She established herself as indispensable in her previous employment, and over a period of twenty-two years took on roles including PA to the Directors, Senior Secretary, Administrator and Team Leader.
She joined Buckingham & Company in May 2011, and since then has provided administrative and secretarial support and assistance within the Company. She thrives on the varied roles she undertakes, successfully combining services to clients and colleagues alike.